3 Common Workplace Problems and their Solutions

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Workplace discrimination

Image Source: http://www.winc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/workplace-bullying.jpg

Offices are usually packed with office politics and employment issues. If you are a Los Angeles office worker, chances are, you have encountered or are experiencing one or two office issues that affect your work performance. If so, it would be best to know the possible solutions to your work-related problems.

The following are the three of the most common problems Los Angeles office workers experience and the possible solutions to such:

Problem: Workplace gossips

Possible solution: If your coworkers or supervisors often subject you to malicious or fabricated gossips, the best thing you could do is to stay away from the issue. Avoid disclosing unnecessary information about your personal life so that your office-mates cannot use any of your personal information against you.

If the gossips are already affecting your work performance, you may seek assistance from your office’s HR personnel to resolve the issue.

Problem: Discrimination

Possible solution: If you are being subjected to workplace discrimination based on your sex, disability, age (if you are 40-years-old or older), race, color, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin, you have a claim for discrimination lawsuit. Under the law, employees have the right not to be subjected to employment discrimination. Hence, if you are experiencing discrimination in the workplace, you can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).

You can also seek legal assistance from a Los Angeles employment lawyer who can help you file your complaint and guide you if the complaint reaches court hearing.

Problem: Sexual harassment

Possible solution: Los Angeles employees who are being sexually harassed by their coworkers, supervisors, or employers are advised to file a complaint with the EEOC or the DFEH. Under the law, sexual harassment is considered employment discrimination based on a person’s sex. Sexual harassment victims are advised to get help from employment lawyers to make sure that their case is given due attention and solution.


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