The Advantages of Having an Expert Attorney in SSD claims

Friday, February 14, 2014

Social security disability (claims) are being applied by those who suffered disability from work, and because of this disability, they were deprived of the ability to generate income for their family.
People in the working age who had suffered disability are expected to have their fundamental needs that would arise because of what happened to them. And those fundamental needs are the following:
·         Their need to replace the lost income due to their disability in to some degree as soon as possible.
·         Their need to overcome the effects of disability to allow an individual to somehow resume to his independent life, as soon as possible.
Of course, once you applied for social security disability (claims) and it was approved by the court that is the time you would be able to enjoy the benefits of social security disability. But that would take a very long time before you can actually enjoy all of it, especially when there’s no lawyer around.
If you are suffering from disability and you are about to file a social security disability (claim), you should prepare yourself for you are going to enter a very strenuous and strict process before you can fully benefit from your own disability. You should also be prepared to be rejected even on the initial stage of the process which would definitely happen if you don’t have an attorney.
In the initial stage alone, only 40% are being approved, and 20% win at the reconsideration stage, all of these processes are what you are about to face before you can actually defend your claim in a hearing with only the judge and his vocational expert and secretary are there.
In actuality, it would be very hard to reach the hearing stage without the presence of an attorney. That is why it is very advantageous to have them defend your claim. You should not hesitate to hire one because they have the “no win, no fee” policy so there’s no worry about the money. However, the lawyer will receive 25% of the back benefits that the plaintiff might win in the claim.
But for all the ease that a lawyer would grant you, that 25% is nothing. These are the reasons why an attorney is advantageous in a social security disability (claim):
·         Statistics says that claimants who are represented by their attorneys are more likely to win the case.
·         An experienced attorney knows what proofs are required by the SSDI system
·         Legal help would eliminate the process of waiting in the long government lines and it will lessen the chance of a government clerk’s incorrect notations about your condition that would jeopardize your claim.
·         Everything about your case will be handled professionally, even the paper works.
So if you need a lawyer, then call the Mesriani Law Group toll free number or visit their website, for further questions and inquiries.

Struggling Seniors Call For The Abandonment of Planned Social Security Benefit Cuts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Social Security Benefit

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The United States federal government has been drawing a lot of criticism as it mulls various budget cuts aimed at Social Security. President Barack Obama’s proposed that cost of living adjustments for Social Security should be reduced. What this means is that seniors will be getting smaller increases in their Social Security payments every year.

This, the President believes, is one viable solution to the looming fiscal crisis. However, many people, especially those who are currently and will soon be receiving Social Security benefits are opposing this idea as they will be badly hit by the said budget cuts. Smaller at first, the difference could grow into hundreds, even thousands of dollars in time. This means a lot of seniors who mostly rely on Social Security benefits to help them get by with their needs every day.

According to reports, close to 40 million retirees, including their dependents receive Social Security benefits. And while the average monthly benefit that each person receives amounts to $1,262, there are some less privileged that get smaller amounts than that.

Kerry Payne of Newburgh, NY on the other hand, gave up her car because the paycheck she has been getting from Social Security couldn’t cover gas and insurance costs. She only receives $1,234 every month that couldn’t even completely cover her expenses. Her deceased husband’s illness before didn’t help as it ate her savings up. For her to survive, she only does her grocery shopping on days when her local supermarket offers discounts. With the prices of everything swaying upwards, Payne believes that every cent of the annual cost of living adjustment counts for people like her.

A Los Angeles long term disability lawyer believes that budget cuts should be the last thing on the government’s minds when managing its finances. According to him, a scheme that would target more financially-capable citizens would be a better approach as people Social Security beneficiaries only depend on it to make both ends meet. He believes that retirees all the help that they need as they have done their share in the past of helping the country move forward.

By the Stats: U.S. Pedestrian Deaths May Continue to Rise as the Population Ages

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

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Pedestrian accidents are one of the most common mishaps in major and minor roadways in the United States. Although there have been various road developments that decrease the likelihood of pedestrian mishaps such as crosswalks and footbridges, such unfortunate occurrences still happen. In fact, for over a decade, pedestrian accidents accounted for around 13 percent of all traffic fatalities in the United States, from 2001 to 2010, according to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report.

Within the said time period, a total of 47,392 pedestrians were killed in America’s roadways. Additionally, the per capita pedestrian fatality rate in the U.S. was almost 14 deaths per 1 million people in 2010. In comparison, the rates in both the United Kingdom and Germany were 6.7 and 5.8, respectively.

The CDC also reported that not everyone is affected equally by dangerous walking conditions in U.S. roadways. However, the risk of a pedestrian injuries or deaths is greater among the elderly and the minority populations. Moreover, all men, regardless of demographic, were found to be two and one-half times more likely to be killed by a moving vehicle while walking than women.

In terms of age, the elderly, particularly men over 85 years old and women between 75 and 84 years of age suffer a disproportionate share of pedestrian fatalities, making them three times more likely to be killed than those between 15 to 24 years old. That being said, experts from the CDC believe that as the population of the U.S. ages, the likelihood of pedestrian accident death rates increasing.

Finally, pedestrian fatalities kill more people of color, particularly Native American, Hispanic, and African-American populations. This is due to the fact that they live in urban areas where residents walk more and get exposed to traffic violence.

Alarming as these statistics may be, it is important for pedestrians, regardless of race, color, or age, to be on the lookout for speeding vehicles, as well as take advantage of crosswalks, footbridges, and other infrastructures that would help those who regularly travel on foot. For a Los Angeles injury lawyer, meanwhile, motorists in general must also steer away from making driving decisions that could potentially kill pedestrians.