Your Role in Preventing Road Accidents

Monday, April 1, 2013

Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers | DUI

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WorkplaceAlcohol as a catalyst for relaxation
Whenever you are stressed and want to have a good time, it is always nice to have a drink or two. When people get drunk, people tend to do stupid things that can be a lot of fun. Whenever you go and search for videos of drunken people, you can’t help but laugh at how silly some of them end up in such instances. Most of the time though, after one withdraw from the effects of alcohol, people find out just how stupid and silly they have become while they were in the influence of alcohol.

When one gobbles up a bottle too many
Drunk people can be funny, but drunk drivers are not and will never be funny. Drunk driving in fact is one serious problem that the various government agencies are currently facing. According to various reports made by various agencies all across the country, drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the leading causes of accidents. Of hundreds of thousands of injuries caused by car crashes all over the country, tens of thousands of it are caused by a drunk driver that failed to react properly to a certain situation. Add up their tendency to violate traffic rules and what we have is a very nasty situation that could lead to more injuries, even death.

When accidents happen
In the event that a DUI driver causes an accident, the victims can seek damages that such accidents have caused them. By contacting and seeking the help of Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, one can pursue a personal injury claim against the drunk driver. However, we should not be contented with these remedies if we really want to put a stop to these accidents from happening.

What the government is doing to help drive down DUI incidence
That is why the government through the Department of Transportation, specifically the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has been actively campaigning against driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. They have come up with programs that aim to educate people of the serious, life-threatening effects of drunk driving. For its part, various law enforcement agencies like the California Highway Patrol (CHP) has been conducting operations like flagging down of suspected DUI drivers, conducting sobriety check points, and apprehension of drunk drivers. These measures help trim down the instances of drunk driving

The government needs your help
The various programs and measures that the government has been taking would be in vain if people won’t participate. Ultimately drivers should be responsible enough to say no to driving if they have been drinking. Better yet, one should say no to an alcoholic drink, no matter how little alcohol that drink contains, if he or she plans to be behind the wheel of an automobile. Just like any other program by the government, the citizen’s participation will play a huge role in its success and failure. You have the power to choose between the two. Would you rather wake up to a huge responsibility for your negligence or would you want to be responsible enough and avoid all the hassles that come with drunk driving? You pick your poison.


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