Four Immediate Things to Do After a Car Crash

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

santa monica car accident
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Automobile accidents in the State of California are not uncommon. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 4,000 people are killed each year in the State due to vehicular accidents. The alarming frequency of motor vehicle mishaps makes it doubly important for California motorists to know beforehand the proper actions they need to do in case they get involved in a road accident.

Auto drivers or occupants should follow these tips if they get involved in an accident:

1. Seek medical attention – The top priority of any car accident victim is to have his or her injury treated. Even if the injury may seem minor or superficial, victims must still have their injuries examined and treated accordingly by medical professionals. As they say, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

2. File a police report – Once emergency unit personnel arrive at the accident scene, victims are advised to file a police report. When police officers arrive, victims should disclose all necessary details such as the cause of the accident, time of the accident, and other related information that could help speed up the investigation.

3. Take note of the other driver’s contact information – In case the accident involved another motorist, victims are advised to get the contact information of the other driver. Take note of his or her license plate number, contact number, address, insurance company, and other related information.

4. Contact a personal injury lawyer – Accident victims in California have the right to claim for damages if they are not the ones at fault for the road mishap. Pursuant to tort law, personal injury victims may assert for injury payments from the liable party who caused them their injury. In such cases, it is important to hire a good Santa Monica attorney when claiming for compensations because he or she can help the victims get the appropriate amount of personal injury payments.

Physical and financial injury can be effectively prevented by learning and executing appropriate actions. Accident victims in California should be aware of their rights in order to avoid experiencing further inconveniences other than the accident itself.


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