Negligence-related Car Accidents in California

Friday, December 9, 2011

One of the main contributors to the rise of personal injury cases in Los Angeles is car accidents. According to available statistics, in 2008 alone, at least 5,811,000 automobile accidents were recorded in the country. The staggering number of traffic accidents poses a great threat to many drivers, commuters, and pedestrians in California.

Negligence as a Cause

Traffic experts believe that majority of car accidents in California is caused by drivers’ carelessness and negligence when using the road. Under California personal injury law, it is unlawful for motorists to cause injury to another individual; hence, non-complying drivers may face lawsuits or may be required to provide payments to accident victims.

The following are the common negligent driving-related causes of vehicular accidents in Los Angeles:

·         Driver’s failure to comply with implemented speed limits
·         Ignoring traffic signals
·         Improper lane changes
·         Driving under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs
·         Disregarding pedestrians and bicyclists
·         Motorist’s failure to give right of way to other drivers

Recoverable Damages

Los Angeles car accident victims have the right to claim for the following compensations:

·         Payments for medical treatment and medications
·         Loss wages costs
·         Payments for repairing or replacing damaged property like vehicle
·         Pain and suffering payments

Importance of Having a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are a victim of a car accident in Los Angeles and you are not at fault, you have to right to assert for a personal injury claim. In this circumstance, it is highly-suggested for you to consult with an experienced Los Angeles lawyer to evaluate and handle your concern.

Personal injury attorneys (and in the case of a Los Angeles lawyer) are proficient in handling car accident cases; hence, seeking legal assistance from one may help you resolve the case more conveniently. Additionally, injury lawyers are experts in dealing with insurance companies, with this, you no longer need to worry about the complicated tasks involved in insurance negotiations.


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